Bath Botanical Gardens wedding

September 14, 2017  •  2 Comments

Last Friday I photographed a wedding in Bath Botanical Gardens. I was really looking forward to this wedding as the location is fabulous - so luxurious, verdant and romantic! However, the day started with the rain just pouring down. With the promise of a free lunch I persuaded my sister to come along to be my umbrella holder and we arrived with 4 white golf umbrellas for the wedding party photography and 4 multi coloured umbrellas that I borrowed to try and get guests to come outside for photographs.

As soon as Leilai arrived just before 1, the sun came out and it stayed out the whole time I was there - it was the most perfect afternoon! 

Wedding photography in BathWedding photography in Bath The ceremony was in The Minerva Temple which only holds around 35 people, so there was a gazebo outside to seat the rest of the guests. Access to the couple was not easy but I love this wide angle shot showing the newly married couple and the family in the temple.

Wedding ceremony in the Minerva TempleWedding ceremony in the Minerva Temple I apologise to the guest with the bald head whom I accidently clobbered with my lens hood whilst trying to find a good vantage point. He and his neighbours then got the giggles during a quiet bit of the ceremony! 

As the weather was so beautiful the drinks were served outside and there was plenty of opportunity to get pictures of the guests enjoying themselves and the lovely surroundings.

Minerva Temple and marqueeMinerva Temple and marquee

I plan to start the group pictures shortly after everyone has had a drink, but am always ready to jump in and take any pictures that the bride wants!

Bride and friendsBride and friends

I love taking the confetti throwing pictures - we organise 2 lines of guests and ask the bride and groom to walk through, with guests throwing the confetti up in the air and not, hopefully, straight at them. 

Confetti throwingConfetti throwing I'm always on the look out for taking unposed pictures of the bride, especially, as posing can sometimes look fake. This is one of my favourites. The colours of the flowers in the herbaceous border of the Bath Botanical Gardens really compliments Leilai's flowers. The flowers were from The Wild Bluebell florist and were beautifully fresh and natural and totally complemented the Botanical Gardens.

Natural bride photographyNatural bride photography

I always make sure there is time to take the bride and groom away for a few relaxed, posed pictures and we were spoilt for choice in the gardens.


Bride and groom walking awayBride and groom walking away

I love taking "walking away" pictures with the couple looking at each other. Getting movement in the dress always looks amazing and the connection between the couple is important.

Bride and groom seatedBride and groom seated Bride and groom in parklandBride and groom in parkland Romantic bride and groom photographyRomantic bride and groom photography Bride and groom posingBride and groom posing Bride and groom close up pictureBride and groom close up picture

Such a lovely couple and such a lovely location, especially when the weather is good! 


Photographic images have been beautiful.
Absolutely beautiful. Colorful. Magical!
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